Zetwerk achieves 263% ROI with digitized, automated invoice auditing.

In April 2023

Invoice Auditing Team


Manual Internal Transaction Audits

The invoice auditing processes relied on labor-intensive, hands-on internal transaction audits.

Scalability Challenges

Managing multiple types of contracts, contract terms, purchase orders, and terms across various partners and suppliers made manual transaction monitoring unsustainable at scale.

Lack of Control and Visibility

The use of undeveloped Google Sheets hindered control and visibility across the hierarchy, making it impossible to digitally inform stakeholders about Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) inputs.

Error-Prone Business Discovery Reports

The manual approach to invoice auditing resulted in error-prone business discovery reports, impacting the accuracy of data analysis.

Supply Chain Delays

Inefficient invoice auditing processes led to supply chain delays, causing delays in meeting commitments to customers.

Our business has been on a steep growth trajectory, and this growth has highlighted the need for an automated, digitized Invoice Auditing Process driven by a robust product. We chose Vidur as our solution because of its ease of customization, the availability of a dedicated support team, and its exceptional reliability. GDPR compliant, ISO standard compliant made it easy for us to choose Vidur.
General Manager – Customer Delight

Nuggets of wisdom: Why manual Invoice Auditing process doesn’t cut for any Industry vertical

Problem Result
1. Time-consuming process 1. Reduced or sub-optimal operational efficiency
2. High risk of errors and discrepancies 2. Inaccurate financial records
3. Lack of scalability 3. Inability to handle larger volumes of invoices
4. Limited visibility and control 4. Difficulty in tracking and managing invoices
5. Manual data entry and copy-pasting 5. Higher chances of data entry errors
6.Delays in invoice processing 6. Slower payment cycles
7. Difficulty in tracking audit trail 7. Challenges in maintaining a transparent audit trail
8Inefficient dispute resolution 8. Increased time and effort in resolving issues
9Inconsistent compliance with regulations 9. Higher risk of non-compliance and penalties
10. Inadequate reporting and analysis capabilities 10. Limited insights for strategic decision-making

Why Vidur & what have we delivered?

Within 90 days of implementation some key results that Zetwerk’s achieved

reduction in Invoice Audit processing time
4.reduction in data entry errors due to robust feedback processes
decrease in errors and discrepancies due to digital CAPA process
faster payment processing realised as discrepancies & rebuttals from recipient reduced
improvement in control and visibility with Digitized workflows
improvement in tracking and transparency

Client Review

Digitizing corrective action and preventive action has significantly improved overall operations.

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